Denis Kozhukhin 
Plays Mozart


Thursday, November 28, 2024
7:30 pm


Salle Pierre-Mercure
Centre Pierre-Péladeau

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Denis Kozhukhin 


Maxim Rysanov


Since winning first prize at the 2010 Queen Elisabeth Competition in Belgium, Denis Kozhukhin has performed with the world’s leading orchestras and made a name for himself as one of the outstanding pianists of his generation. Here he performs Mozart’s Concerto No. 18, with its extraordinary slow movement on a theme and variations in G minor. Maestro Rysanov, himself of Ukrainian origin, will conduct two works by his compatriot Valentin Silvestrov, as well as the second of his selected Mozart symphonies, the lively and forceful 33rd.

– Jean-François Rivest

V. Silvestrov

The Messenger for Piano and Strings
(10 minutes)

W.A. Mozart

Piano Concerto No. 18 in B-flat Major, K. 456
(29 minutes)

V. Silvestrov

Stille Musik (Silent Music)
(10 minutes)

W.A. Mozart

Symphony No. 33 in B-flat Major, K. 319 (20 minutes)

Denis Kozhukhin


Maxim Rysanov


Julie Triquet plays on a Giuseppe Odoardi 1726 violin, generously loaned by Mr. David B. Sela.
Christian Prévost plays on a Rafelle and Antonio Gagliano violin, Naples (ca.18xx) and a Jean Joseph Martin bow (ca.1880), kindly lent by CANIMEX.
Amélie Benoit Bastien plays a Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume violin, Paris, ca. 1845, number 1672, Stradivarius model and a Eugène Sartory bow, Paris, ca. 1935, courtesy of CANIMEX.
Annie Guénette plays on a Josef Gagliano 1768 violin and a Lamy bow, generously loaned by CANIMEX.
Tim Halliday plays the 2014 Kolia cello by Mira Gruszow and Gideon Baumblatt, generously on loan from Mr. David B. Sela.


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