Eternal Youth


Thursday, April 3, 2025
7:30 p.m.


Salle Pierre-Mercure
Centre Pierre-Péladeau

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Stéphane Tétreault

(I Musici Artist in Residence)

Jean-François Rivest


We shall forever marvel at the innovative character and spirit of works dating from composers’ youth period.  One thinks immediately of the very young Mozart of the Divertimento K. 136 that you will hear at the end of our program.  Haydn was only thirty when he composed his cello concerto in C around 1760, which already demonstrates how much he was a master of string writing.  He will have invented the Classical Period by the same token (with a little help from Carl Philipp Emmanuel).  The most precocious prodigy of all our beautiful music history is definitely Mendelssohn.  He wrote those 12 superb string symphonies when he was between age 12 and 14!  They show such an incredible maturity and ingenuity that it seems almost incredible coming from a young teenager.  While speaking of very young talent, did you know that Stéphane Tétreault performed as a soloist with I Musici and Yuli Turovsky for the first time when he was merely 11?
– Jean-François Rivest
C.P.E. Bach

Symphony for Strings No. 3 Wq 182.3 in C major
Allegro assai – Adagio – Allegretto
(10 minutes)

F.J. Haydn

Cello concerto in C major, Hob. VIIb:1
Moderato – Adagio – Allegro molto
(28 minutes)

F. Mendelssohn

Symphony for Strings No. 9 in C minor
Grave/Allegro – Andante – Scherzo/Trio piu lento (la Suisse)
– Allegro vivace
(25 minutes)

W.A. Mozart

Divertimento K.136 in D Major (13 minutes)

Stéphane Tétreault

(I Musici Artist in Residence)

Jean-François Rivest


Julie Triquet plays on a Giuseppe Odoardi 1726 violin, graciously loaned by Mr. David B. Sela.
Amélie Benoit Bastien plays on a Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume violin, Paris, ca. 1845, number 1672, Stradivarius model, and a Eugène Sartory bow, Paris, ca. 1935, graciously loaned by CANIMEX.
Christian Prévost plays on a Rafelle and Antonio Gagliano violin, Naples (ca. 18xx), and a Jean Joseph Martin bow (ca. 1880), graciously loaned by CANIMEX.
Elvira Misbakhova plays on a Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume viola, Paris, ca. 1860-61, number 2342, Stradivarius model, and a Louis Bazin bow, graciously loaned by CANIMEX.
Tim Halliday plays on the Kolia 2014 cello by Mira Gruszow and Gideon Baumblatt, graciously loaned by Mr. David B. Sela.


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