
I Musici de Montréal


I Musici de Montréal


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By mail

If you prefer, you can send your donation to this address:

CP 114
Montréal Succursale St-Dominique, QC, H2S 3K6


The I Musici de Montréal Chamber Orchestra puts its talent, versatility and creativity at the service of the community, with a view to stimulating the performance, outreach and development of concert music.


Anchored in its community, I Musici de Montréal aspires to improve the city’s quality of life by celebrating Montreal’s diversity and showcasing the artistic and cultural vitality unique to the Quebec metropolis.

The impact of
I Musici in figures

Emerging Artists

local young soloists played with the orchestra

Committed Educators

young choristers and musicians played with the orchestra and studied with our musicians

Educational Programs

young people benefited from I Musici’s educational programs

Did you know?

I Musici de Montréal’s public and earned revenues (ticket and concert sales) cover only a portion of our costs. Our reach depends on your support and your donations.

Grants and sponsorships
Public funding
Tickets and concert sales

Major gift – Aditionnal tax credits

Because the government recognizes the essential role of cultural philanthropy in the development and reputation of Quebec culture both here and abroad, it has set out to establish conditions that encourage Quebecers to give more to arts and culture. As of July 3, 2013, the following new tax credits have been rolled out :

  • An additional tax credit of 25% for a first major cultural donation ($5,000 to $25,000) ;

  • A tax credit of 30% for donations of $250,000 or more (remitted over a maximum period of 10 years).


Upcoming concerts

I Musici on Youtube

I Musici de Montréal
Customer service and administration

CP 114 succursale St-Dominique Montréal QC H2S 3K6
514 554-6251

Box Office
514 987-6919


Complete programming

Prices and subscriptions

The musicians

The team

Follow us

Web design Samuel Lalande-Markon | Visual identity Paprika