Sunday, June 18, 2023
2 p.m.

conducted by
Jean-François Rivest
± 80 minutes
without intermission

Our musicians know how much hard work learning a musical instrument entails. The I Musici Challenge is an invitation to surpass yourself by sharing, on the web, an excerpt or an entire musical piece of which you are particularly proud and symbolizes your perseverance and your passion for music. Come and meet the favourites of the 2023 edition in this concert where our musicians share their love of music with the performers of today and tomorrow. Enough to nourish hope and hang a summer smile.

Sunday, June 18, 2023, 2 p.m.

Montreal – at the Pierre-Mercure hall of the Pierre-Péladeau Centre




  • Louis-Jacob Chandonnet, Harp
    11 years old
    Trois-Rivières, QC
  • Ren Karlicek and Iza Kamnitzer, Violins
    8 years old
    Montreal, QC
  • Jessie Sun, Violin
    15 years old
    Montreal, QC
  • Éve-Léa Carrier, Violin
    12 years old
    Levis, QC
  • Juliette Leclerc, Cello
    23 years old
    Montreal, QC

Musiciens dans l'orchestre

  • Elsa Barozzi, Violin
    23 years old
    Montreal, QC
  • Louis Duffayet, Violin
    17 years old
    Montreal, QC
  • Avital LaCroix, Violin
    15 years old
    Montreal, QC
  • Kim Carrier, Violin
    9 years old
    Levis, QC
  • Michael Li, Violin
    16 years old
    Pointe-Claire, QC
  • Jessie Sun, Violin
    15 years old
    Montreal, QC
  • Ève-Léa Carrier, Violin
    12 years old
    Levis, QC
  • Juliette Leclerc, Cello
    23 years old
    Montreal, QC



Concerto celtic for harp
Louis-Jacob Chandonnet, harp


Concerto in A minor, Op. 3 No. 8 for 2 violins (from the Estro armonico) 1st movement
Iza Kamnitzer et Ren Karlicek, violins 


Violin Concerto No. 2 in D minor, 2nd movement
Ève-Léa Carrier, violin


Pezzo Capriccioso for cello
Jessie Sun, violin


Concerto grosso Op. 3 No. 11 RV 565 in D minor
Elsa Barozzi, Concertmaster
Louis Duffayet, Principal second violin


Saint-Paul Suite for string orchestra


Trilogy for string orchestra (arrangement by Calvin Custer)

*The following young musicians will join the members of I Musici: Elsa Barozzi, Louis Duffayet, Avital LaCroix, Michael Li, Jessie Sun, Ève-Léa Carrier, and Kim Carrier on violins, as well as Juliette Leclerc on cello.


Lascia ch’io pianga
Durée: environ 3 minutes


Concerto no 3, 1er mouv.
Durée: environ 7 minutes 


Concerto en sol, premier mouv.
Durée: environ 10 minutes


Scène de ballet
Durée: environ 12 minutes

CPE Bach

Concerto en ré min. 1er mouv.
Durée: environ 9 minutes


Concerto, 1er mouv.
Durée: environ 13 minutes 


Simple Symphony
Durée: environ 17 minutes 

Julie Triquet plays on a Giuseppe Odoardi 1726 violin, generously loaned by Mr. David B. Sela. 
Christian Prévost plays on a Rafelle and Antonio Gagliano violin, Naples (ca.18xx) and a Jean Joseph Martin bow (ca.1880), kindly lent by CANIMEX.
Amélie Benoit Bastien plays a Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume violin, Paris, ca. 1845, number 1672, Stradivarius model and a Eugène Sartory bow, Paris, ca. 1935, courtesy of CANIMEX.  
Annie Guénette plays on a Josef Gagliano 1768 violin and a Lamy bow, generously loaned by CANIMEX. 
Tim Halliday plays the 2014 Kolia cello by Mira Gruszow and Gideon Baumblatt, generously on loan from Mr. David B. Sela.
Marieve Bock plays the Maucotel cello, Paris, 1849, courtesy of CANIMEX.
Kim Carrier plays a Carlo Giuseppe Testore violin, first half of the 18th century, and a Charles Louis Bazin violin bow, courtesy of CANIMEX.
Ève-Léa Carrier plays a Guillaume Schönau violin, Québec, 2021, interpretation of Antonio Stradivarius’ 1709 “Viotti” from an original model and a Gaëtan Dariel violin bow, courtesy of CANIMEX.
Elsa Barozzi currently plays on a Carlo Giuseppe Testore violin ca. 1710- 1715 violin and Louis Joseph Morizot bow, graciously lent of CANIMEX.
Juliette Leclerc plays a Schwartz Brothers cello, ca. 1845-1855, courtesy of CANIMEX.


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I Musici de Montréal
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CP 114 succursale St-Dominique Montréal QC H2S 3K6

514 554-6251


514 987-6919


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