Valérie Millot | Photo : Frédérick Robitaille

PARIS : Valérie Milot and her harp

November, 17 2022
7:30 p.m.


conducted by
Tania Miller, guest conductor

Valérie Milot, harp
Amélie Benoit-Bastien et Hubert Brizard, violins 

± 90 minutes
with intermission

Paris has long delighted everyone with its beautiful architecture, its top-notch food, and its buzzing night life. The wonderful harpist Valérie Milot and renowned Canadian conductor Tania Miller will share Paris’s musical splendour and sensitivity with us in a program combining the Impressionism of Debussy and Ravel with the Romanticism of Boieldieu. Without a doubt, the harp is best suited to unveil the entire colour palette of these magical works. You’ll have an opportunity to rediscover violinists Amélie Benoit-Bastien and Hubert Brizard in the second half of the concert—two professional musicians you’re familiar with by now. Both violinists are I Musici de Montréal members who will play in Arvo Pärt’s extremely trippy and meditative Tabula Rasa 

—    Jean-François Rivest

Thursday, November 17 2022
7:30 p.m.

À la salle Pierre-Mercure du Centre Pierre-Péladeau


For tickets with social distancing, call 514 987-6919

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Valérie Millot | Photo : Frédérick Robitaille

Valérie Millot


Valérie Milot is a musician and entrepreneur who walks an unconventional career path.  

A sought-after soloist, Valérie regularly performs a rich solo repertoire with prestigious orchestras. Simultaneously, her YouTube channel boasts over three million views. 
Her numerous collaborations (with Marianne Lambert, soprano, and Stéphane Tétreault, amongst others) mark a vast discography and frequent appearances on stage, and on radio and television. 

Valérie is a professor of harp at the Montreal Conservatory of Music, in addition to holding a Prix avec Grande Distinction upon the completion of her studies with Caroline Lizotte (2008). Winner of the Prix d’Europe the same year, she is the first harpist to win this award in almost a century. Her accomplishments continue thereafter, where she is named Révélation Radio-Canada and receives multiple prizes. 

Valérie plays on an “Apollonia” harp by Salvi, graciously loaned to her by the Canimex company of Drummondville and belonging to the patron of the arts Roger Dubois. 

Tania Miller | Photo : Todd Rosenberg

Tania Miller


Canadian Conductor Tania Miller has distinguished herself as a dynamic interpreter, musician and innovator. On the podium, Maestra Miller projects authority, dynamism and sheer love of the experience of making music. As one critic put it, she delivers calm intensity . . . expressive, colorful and full of life . . . her experience and charisma are audible.” Others call her performances “technically immaculate, vivid and stirring”. 

Maestra Miller was Music Director of Canada’s Victoria Symphony for 14 years, and was named Music Director Emerita for her commitment to the orchestra and community.  She has distinguished herself as a visionary leader and innovator with a deep commitment to contemporary repertoire and composers and has gained a national reputation as a highly effective advocate and communicator for the arts. An avid writer about music and the arts, her writing has been featured in the American Symphony Orchestra League’s Symphony Magazine, Toronto’s Globe and Mail, and Better Humans. 

In addition to her engagement with Calgary Opera, other operatic engagements include numerous productions as Artistic Director of Michigan Opera Works (Rape of Lucretia, Semele, Dido and Aeneas), as Conductor of Opera McGill in Montreal (Tales of Hoffmann, Marriage of Figaro), as Assistant Conductor of University of Michigan Opera (Daughter of the Regiment, L’Enfant et les Sortileges, Le Rossignol, Magic Flute) and as assistant to Michigan Opera Theatre’s production of Eugene Onegin. 

Ms. Miller has a Doctorate and Masters degree in Conducting from the University of Michigan.  Ms. Miller received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Royal Roads University, and an Honorary Fellowship Diploma from Canada’s Royal Conservatory of Music for her commitment to leadership in community and music education. She was recipient of the 2017 Friends of Canadian Music award from the Canadian League of Composers for her dedication to the performance of contemporary music. 

Amélie Benoît-Bastien

Amélie Benoît-Bastien


Amélie Benoit Bastien holds a PhD in Interpretation from the Université de Montréal under the direction of Mr. Claude Richard. Her musical development led her to play for renowned violinists such as Pinchas Zukerman, David Cerone, Paul Kantor, Pierre Amoyal, Mark Fewer and Andrew Dawes. Winner of a prestigious scholarship from the Faculty of Graduate Studies of Université Montréal from 2005 to 2008, she won several awards and scholarships, including those of the Orchestre symphonique de Trois-Rivières, the Festival de musique du Royaume, the CBC Young Artists competition and the Canadian Music Competition. A very versatile musician, she was called upon to perform several different roles, both as guest violin at the Gatineau Symphony Orchestra during the 2016-2016 season-2017, as a chamber musician in the Allegra concert series since 2015 and as a studio musician where she participated in multiple recordings. In 2016-2017, she participated in Céline Dion’s Quebec and European tour. An accomplished violinist, she is also dedicated to teaching the violin, which she considers an invaluable source of discoveries and challenges. Always very enthusiastic to share her passion and strong of several good years of teaching in the network of the Conservatoires de musique et d’art dramatique du Québec, she currently holds a professorship at Lionel Groulx College.


Hubert Brizard

Hubert Brizard


Graduating from the Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal, where he studied with Johanne Arel and Helmut Lipsky, Hubert Brizard began his chamber music career with the Ensemble Contemporain de Montréal (ECM+). Regular contributor to the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne and the Société de Musique Contemporaine du Québec, he actively participates in the development and creation of new music. In 2022, he joined the Ensemble Paramirabo, a contemporary music sextet working in the creation and dissemination of new works. In addition to his activities as a chamber musician, Hubert performs with various ensembles throughout the province, such as the Sherbrooke Symphony Orchestra, the Estuary Symphony Orchestra, and the FILMharmonique Orchestra, with which he participates in many concerts, including Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Supernumerary with I Musici for several years, he has been a regular member of the orchestra since June 2022.




Danse sacrée et danse profane for harp and string orchestra
Duration: approx. 10 minutes


Pavane pour une infante défunte 
Duration: approx. 6 minutes


Concerto pour harpe en do majeur (in tre tempi), 1801
Duration: approx. 22 minutes


Mojave Dreaming
Duration: approx. 15 minutes 30 secondes


Tabula Rasa for two violins and prepared piano
Duration: approx. 27 minutes

Julie Triquet plays on a Giuseppe Odoardi 1726 violin, generously loaned by Mr. David B. Sela. 
Christian Prévost plays on a Rafelle and Antonio Gagliano violin, Naples (ca.18xx) and a Jean Joseph Martin bow (ca.1880), kindly lent by CANIMEX.
Amélie Benoit Bastien plays a Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume violin, Paris, ca. 1845, number 1672, Stradivarius model and a Eugène Sartory bow, Paris, ca. 1935, courtesy of CANIMEX.  
Annie Guénette plays on a Josef Gagliano 1768 violin and a Lamy bow, generously loaned by CANIMEX. 
Tim Halliday plays the 2014 Kolia cello by Mira Gruszow and Gideon Baumblatt, generously on loan from Mr. David B. Sela.
Marieve Bock plays the Maucotel cello, Paris, 1849, courtesy of CANIMEX.

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